
Anxieties Illustrations
As an anxious person, i feel the best way to communicate my fears are illustrations. In this series, some of those thoughts are brought to paper using short comic strips.
Image making
A project that Encompasses the dissonance between the object shown and the material used, which is violent and tough compared to the oft colored material.
Music 3
Logotype and icons for a music channel inspired by rap music. The icons represent the flow of technology and rap in three decades starting from the 80s. Each decade's icon feature a device used for listening to music during that time - a record, a radio, and the ipod.
Connecting you with your best job An application that connects between job searchers to companies or individuals searching for workers. The app is based on data information taken from Facebook; both from individuals and companies. All information is visible to the search party on this application; including the possibility to apply directly for the job offered. The app allows the user to filter data in order to reach the optimal results for the user.
An advertisement that simulates the state of wage gaps between men and women in Israel.
Welcome to the Witchfest festival! A festival in which witches unite in order to discuss the latest magic trends, trade secrets, and eat some nice cookies. All in a a macabre yet stylish way, as fit for a ghastly event such as this! Explore this responsive site in order to find a map of stars guiding you to the event location, instructions on how to get an uber broom, and send invitations to different friends.
Protest catalog
A protest Begin with one human this is a catalog dealing with protests. the catalog is an introduction to the term "protest". The many different shades and layers this term contains. The catalog engages in a trial to see the many shades and layers of the word from the visual point of view. The colors that are bound together on the different billboards exposed in protests. The end focuses on the contrast between the individual as to the masses in a composition.
Baking packaging
Baking Products being a very basic substance. I compared it to Art. Any being can make art, as any being can create something as basic from baking products. I chose the Bauhaus era. A time that was identified with basic colors and shapes, including the font that was identified and used at that time. Various products have added printed informative knowledge at this time. Vertical and Horizontal graphic art was common use during those years. The topography was all designed and based on these shapes. Each color represents a product with a different flavor and Each shape represents a family group. The shape changes its form as the product becomes more complex. My starting point was the Wheat, flour group. I branched out from that starting point creating a language.
The brief was to make a particular site to a native application and refine it. we chose the Capsule site - new kind of pharmacy, prescription delivery service, which is located in the United States, we create a simple system that summarizes all the medical events and advances that have taken place for you or your family this week, have added various features that are relevant in the world of innovative medicine. The app will recognize your health status up to the smallest details, take care of the relevant medications and also as a social community that helps you find more and more people with the same health issues and share between them treatments and medicine reviews.
Logo and branding to restaurant tunisian food
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